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Monday, March 21, 2011

Stand up and Fight

My heart is thumping as I face the truth
Made many mistakes when I was a youth
Never learned patience, no time for that
Missed many lessons, ain’t that a fact
Survival was it, stay out of my way
Shore up defenses, make things look okay

Won’t run anymore
Gonna stand up and fight
Feet firm to the floor
Push back with my might

Mistakes I have made, self-involved to be true
Often missed on the obvious, never heard, “I love you”
Didn’t think I was loveable, thought all they would leave
Easier to build walls, than to wait and receive
Wish someone had told me, run to and not from
Slow down, yes you’re worthy, slow down love will come

Won’t run anymore
Gonna stand up and fight
Feet firm to the floor
Push back with my might

Past hurts are for growing, I don’t have to bleed
I’ll listen to you, I’ll hear what you need
I’ll strive to remember that you have wounds too
Give space when you need it, know that I love you
I’ll reflect on the good, even when you do wrong
Keep memories precious and try to be strong

Won’t run anymore
Gonna stand up and fight
Feet firm to the floor
Push back with my might

Would like to erase some things that I’ve done
Thought first and not acted, feared that you were gone
I hope that you know I mean well, this is true
You opened that door and I walked right on through
Wish I’d shown you my passion, when I had the time
Now I fear you ignore me, crossed over a line

Won’t run anymore
Gonna stand up and fight
Feet firm to the floor
Push back with my might
I’ll trust that the silence doesn’t mean you don’t care
I’ll trust that you’re listening, though my mind fills with fear
Hope that you’ll respect me, though I let go of pride
I’ve laid myself open, please don’t stay outside
Being friends more important than anything, true?
But the friendship needs stroking, so I say I love you.

Won’t run anymore
Gonna stand up and fight
Feet firm to the floor
Push back with my might

~ ~© CBG 2009

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